Preparation for Surgery

Preparation for your surgery usually depends on your diagnosis and the nature of surgery planned. The Consultant in charge (your doctor) will discuss on the pre operation preparation required with you. It will be beneficial if the pre operation care is also discussed with your family or next of kin.

The aim of pre-operation preparation is to improve patient’s knowledge, health behaviour and health outcomes related to the surgical procedure. Below are several guidelines for your reference.

Step-by-Step Preparation for Surgery with General Anaesthesia

  • Stop drinking and eating for a certain period of time before the time of surgery
  • Shower whole body
  • Undergo various blood test, X-rays, electrocardiograms or other procedures necessary for surgery (Consultant in charge will order these tests based on your condition and the surgery planned)
  • Sometimes a patient may be given an enema the evening before surgery, to empty the bowels (Consultant will update you)
  • Do not wear makeup on the day of surgery
  • Do not wear nail polish
  • Do not wear contact lenses
  • Leave valuables and jewellery at home
  • Inform the ward nurse if you have dentures or any prosthetic accessories you may be wearing
  • Please update the Consultant;
    1. If you are taking any supplements which contains blood thinning agents eg – ginseng, aspirin
    2. If you are on  any Chinese traditional treatment/medications
    3. The list of current medications taken on a regular basis, including over the counter and herbal medications
  • Bring the relevant previous X-rays, CT Scan, Ultrasound, MRI and blood test reports( if any)
  • Bring the drug/food allergy card (if any)
  • Refrain from smoking 24hrs prior to surgery

After Surgery Discomforts 

The amount of surgery discomfort following surgery depends on the nature of surgery performed, mode of anaesthesia, your age and medical conditions (if any). Below are some of the discomforts which you may encounter;

  • Nausea and vomiting from general anaesthesia.
  • Soreness of the throat if the patient needs artificial ventilation (the soreness is caused due to the tube placed in the windpipe) for breathing during surgery
  • Soreness and swelling around the incision site
  • Restlessness and sleeplessness
  • Thirst
  • Constipation and flatulence
  • Injury to lips

Be rest assured that we are committed to providing quality patient care whereby our experienced staff will do their best in ensuring your optimal recovery after your surgery.

Preparation for Surgery

Preparation for your surgery usually depends on your diagnosis and the nature of surgery planned. The Consultant in charge (your doctor) will discuss on the pre operation preparation required with you. It will be beneficial if the pre operation care is also discussed with your family or next of kin.

The aim of pre-operation preparation is to improve patient’s knowledge, health behaviour and health outcomes related to the surgical procedure. Below are several guidelines for your reference.

Step-by-Step Preparation for Surgery with General Anaesthesia

  • Stop drinking and eating for a certain period of time before the time of surgery
  • Shower whole body
  • Undergo various blood test, X-rays, electrocardiograms or other procedures necessary for surgery (Consultant in charge will order these tests based on your condition and the surgery planned)
  • Sometimes a patient may be given an enema the evening before surgery, to empty the bowels (Consultant will update you)
  • Do not wear makeup on the day of surgery
  • Do not wear nail polish
  • Do not wear contact lenses
  • Leave valuables and jewellery at home
  • Inform the ward nurse if you have dentures or any prosthetic accessories you may be wearing
  • Please update the Consultant;
    1. If you are taking any supplements which contains blood thinning agents eg – ginseng, aspirin
    2. If you are on  any Chinese traditional treatment/medications
    3. The list of current medications taken on a regular basis, including over the counter and herbal medications
  • Bring the relevant previous X-rays, CT Scan, Ultrasound, MRI and blood test reports( if any)
  • Bring the drug/food allergy card (if any)
  • Refrain from smoking 24hrs prior to surgery

After Surgery Discomforts 

The amount of surgery discomfort following surgery depends on the nature of surgery performed, mode of anaesthesia, your age and medical conditions (if any). Below are some of the discomforts which you may encounter;

  • Nausea and vomiting from general anaesthesia.
  • Soreness of the throat if the patient needs artificial ventilation (the soreness is caused due to the tube placed in the windpipe) for breathing during surgery
  • Soreness and swelling around the incision site
  • Restlessness and sleeplessness
  • Thirst
  • Constipation and flatulence
  • Injury to lips

Be rest assured that we are committed to providing quality patient care whereby our experienced staff will do their best in ensuring your optimal recovery after your surgery.